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Jay Shepard

Jay Shepard is the Executive Editor of Committed Conservative. Jay is currently a security analyst and business owner. Jay served 21 years in the U.S. Army, mostly in the infantry. Jay also served as an Army inspector general for four years. Jay has a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from James Madison University, and a Masters of Public Administration (concentration National Security) from Troy University. Jay has run several successful state-wide political campaigns, and has been an outspoken advocate for the Constitution, the core American principles, the Convention of States, and military policies. Jay's passion is everything to do with the founding of our country, and with baseball. Jay has coached over 30 years at the youth to prep levels.
Americans learned yesterday what the difference between a first responder and an immediate responder is. The deadly lesson laid out for the entire nation yesterday should cause the Democrats in Virginia to pause and rethink the actions...
Fairfax 2a

Now What?

The storm swept through the Old Dominion like an August hurricane through the Caribbean. Second Amendment groups popped up on Facebook and other social media platforms, organizations began forming, petitions written and signed, lists of supporters consolidated....

Battle Lines Are Forming

While much of America has largely been tuning out the events in Washington as of late (apparently there is an impeachment going on), Americans throughout the land have had their eyes turned towards the Old Dominion as...
It is interesting how people hold onto hope when all evidence shows their hope is misplaced. Such are the views of many, many Americans as the results of last month’s state-level elections were revealed in Virginia and...
Usually, when an enemy or opponent is defeated, one would think the losers would take the time for quiet introspection. Leaders would come together and maybe rethink their plans, methods, and even goals. But the Left in...

We Were Right

Being a Type A personality, you know that I love being told that I am correct about something. Also, folks like me are notorious for wanting to tell you when we were right about something.
Almost one month ago, I wrote concerning the looming government shutdown and how President Donald Trump had "fixed" the Democrats in place. And while I encourage you to go back and read "The Civil War Began This...
I watched with great interest the political event that occurred at the White House last night. And while media types and pundits argue over who "won" the engagement between President Donald Trump, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer,...
America had one helluva week last week. By any measure, the theater, politics, and power plays last week rival any week in American history. Unless you completely disengaged from the Internet, television, and other media outlets, then you were immersed...
Our news media, the Internet and even our discussions at the water cooler at work have been inundated with National Walkout Day. As our children are exposed to the political realities of America in 2018, what we are finding...

Social Media
