Home American Principles The Genealogy Of Our Constitution

The Genealogy Of Our Constitution


Far too few United States citizens understand our history. And without this understanding, we have no idea why our Constitution says what it does, and how it works. Many don’t know that our Constitution has a genealogy.

It’s important that we understand not only our history, but understand what we have available to us today, what resources we have to becoming Americans again (https://committedconservative.com/2017/02/10/numbers-5-2-left/).

If you ever want to be an American, you must first understand what that means.

Watch this video to find out.

Author: Jay Shepard

Jay Shepard is the Executive Editor of Committed Conservative.

Jay is currently a security analyst and business owner. Jay served 21 years in the U.S. Army, mostly in the infantry. Jay also served as an Army inspector general for four years.

Jay has a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from James Madison University, and a Masters of Public Administration (concentration National Security) from Troy University.

Jay has run several successful state-wide political campaigns, and has been an outspoken advocate for the Constitution, the core American principles, the Convention of States, and military policies.

Jay’s passion is everything to do with the founding of our country, and with baseball. Jay has coached over 30 years at the youth to prep levels.