Jay Shepard
It's almost 1am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 11, 2021.
Twenty years ago at this time, I was flying somewhere over Europe, having just left our stopover in Shannon, Ireland. We were...
We are in the age where our language, and the meaning of words, is changing at such an alarming rate, that it is hard to keep up for the average person. People today, especially the left, have...
Right now, you are scratching your head and asking who this is I am talking about? A cousin of Donald Trump, maybe? No. As you will see, it is possible that in 2024 election, we could name...
Do I have your attention? Good. Considering what we have witnessed over the last eleven months, and the possible results of this presidential election, then what I am about to say should not surprise you... although it...
As I have two degrees in political science and over 30 years of "geeking out" over elections, politics, political principles, and the like, this season becomes the Super Bowl for me when the U.S. presidential election comes...
Earlier this summer, I wrote an article entitled This… Cannot… Continue. As Minneapolis was being destroyed, and the lawlessness and destruction spread to many of our cities, I began to first listen to friends, acquaintances, and others...
I am angry. Really angry. As such, I am going to "unload" here and many things I say are going to rub some people raw. In fact, some of what I am going to say here will...
We all, of course, know that much of that which circulates the Internet is questionable, at best. When I saw this open letter attributed to Hollywood director and actor Ron Howard, I had a passing interest in...
A rally happened in Richmond, Virginia today. Did you hear about it? If you haven't been living under a rock, or watching one the the leftist media outlets, then you know that Virginia stood up today and...
Americans learned yesterday what the difference between a first responder and an immediate responder is. The deadly lesson laid out for the entire nation yesterday should cause the Democrats in Virginia to pause and rethink the actions...