Home Conservative News & Opinion Makers University of Minnesota’s “Immigration Response Team” Starts “Dream Fund” for DACA Students

University of Minnesota’s “Immigration Response Team” Starts “Dream Fund” for DACA Students


Someday, books will be written about the crucial role in American Higher Education played by University “Immigration Response Teams.”  Maybe. The Academic braintrust at UM thinks so.

The University of Minnesota is now soliciting donations for “at risk,” DACA eligible students. The University is tapping its students and staff to help support these illegal immigrants whose legal status is precarious.

Managed by the University’s Immigration Response team, the new scholarship fund, known as “The Dream Fund,”  will purportedly be “to help students whose ability to pay for college may be affected by their legal status.”

The Dream Fund’s website asks the university community to “please consider a contribution.” It says that money raised will be used to “provide financial assistance for housing, groceries, books, medical or dental care or other extenuating emergencies.”

Who is eligible to accept these donations?  “The fund will be available to undocumented students, students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, and students whose Temporary Protected Status has ended,” according to the website.

Interestingly, the website delineates a difference between students who are undocumented, versus those who are part of DACA. As most readers know, DACA is a quasi-legal protection granted a class of undocumented aliens, created by executive order of Barack Obama.

Those not in the DACA program would be undocumented or “illegal aliens,” a group of whom under federal law would have no right to be in a University.

The higher education watchdog group, Campus Reform broke this story.  It tracked down University officials, who said the fund “is in response to requests from private individuals wanting to help students in financial hardship due to circumstances out of their control.”

The University wanted to make clear that “No university dollars [were] going to this fund.”  The fund is modeled, according to the University, after other public universities who created funds for the same purpose.  They include the University of Utah, Western Michigan University and the University of Nebraska, as reported by Campus Reform.  Omaha,” the university elaborated.

The “scholarship” requires that any applicant prove he or she is in financial hardship resulting from immigration-related status complications.

Author: Committed Conservative

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