Home ALT-Left Activists & News Leftist Radicals Invade College Republicans’ Rally, Burn Flags & Incite Violence

Leftist Radicals Invade College Republicans’ Rally, Burn Flags & Incite Violence

Radicals shut Down College Republican Rally, leaving American Flags in tatters.

Leftist radicals burned an American flag and left others in tatters. At least five people were arrested as over 1,000 well-organized fascist leftists used violence to disrupt and try to destroy a college Republican rally in Seattle.

What some in the media call “protestors,” or “counter-protesters,” are really radical disruptors in the left’s army. Indeed, one leftist showed up expressly to shut down “Trump fans” from even gathering or being heard.

The University of Washington College Republicans had invited members of Patriot Prayer, a group in Vancouver, Wash., to speak at the university for what it dubbed a “freedom rally,” according to the Seattle Times.

College Republicans President Chevy Swanson told the Times that the goal was to bring conservatives together and promote free-speech rights.  Instead, the event was an opportunity to rally those who use violence and fascists tactics to attack free speech.

The event started without incident, and young republicans and free speech conservatives began chanting “U-S-A!, U-S-A!.”

Rally supporters held signs, including one that read: “We died for liberty not socialism.”

“I learned that they thought my vote was a hate crime,” Kathryn Townsend, who said she voted for Donald Trump in 2016, told Seattle’s Q13 Fox.

Some counter-protesters voiced their goals, which were to combat speech they did not like with violence to try to suppress it.

“We’re here to fight back against the far right and fascism on our campus,” one counter-“protester,” said.

This report includes information from the Associated Press and FoxNews.com.

Author: Committed Conservative

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