It was 2008, and America was in a financial crisis., Millions of people were losing billions of dollars of savings and investments.
The Democrats’ response? Exploit the crisis as an opportunity to get a laundry list of unrelated Democrat priorities.
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that [is] it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not before.”
Democrat political strategist Rahm Emanuel, adviser to Presidents Clinton and Obama.
The congressional Democrats’ response to the coronavirus epidemic has been exactly the same: The Senate Democrats have been shamelessly holding hostage major legislation to help millions of Americans who are suffering from the economic impact of the epidemic.
Then, just as senators of both parties were about to reach agreement to pass a relief bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hopped on her private jet, flew to Washington, and brashly demanded a brand new list of unrelated Democrat priorities.
Here’s the list (courtesy of
-Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards
-A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service
-Required early voting
-Required same day voter registration
-Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining
-Full offset of airline emissions by 2025
-Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights
-Retirement plans for community newspaper employees
-Federal $15 minimum wage
-Permanent paid leave
-Study on climate change mitigation efforts
The provisions will apply to the companies and business rescued by the bill.
I have been making it a point to avoid partisan politics while this crisis is pending. I have praised the Democrat governors of New York, California, New Jersey, Washington state, and here in Colorado. Along with our Republican president, they have all been doing a magnificent job of dealing with an unprecedented national emergency.
But what the congressional Democrats are doing, exploiting this national tragedy for rank political gain, is utterly despicable.
It is depraved.
It is soulless.
And they need to be called out.
UPDATE: It’s now been revealed that House Democrat Majority Whip James Clyburn has openly confirmed that his party’s specific intent is to deliberately exploit this national crisis for their political gain. He told his caucus last week that the coronavirus is “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”