Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Tag: Immigration

Immigration Law is For Americans

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” The above sentiment is a line in poem.  It is not official US policy,...

Virginia Needs John Adams for Attorney General

The last several years have not been kind to the reputation of Commonwealth of Virginia.  Political scandal rocked the governorship, with Bob McDonnell watching...

Prosecute Sanctuary City Leaders

Federal criminal law provides a solution for sanctuary cities led by radical, open-borders, politicians who harbor illegal aliens.  Rather than penalize the lawful citizens,...

Irish Immigrants and Chief Stupid Meme

“We came to be Americans!” Irish Prime Minster Enda Kenny said of Irish Immigrants. Amen to that sir.  In that moment where the Prime Minster...

Fired-Up Friday: California’s Sanctuary Courthouses

The California Supreme Court Chief Justice is an embarrassment.  She might be incompetent.  She's certainly a partisan unaware of her role in this Federal...

The Immigration Ruling WILL Be Reversed

The Ninth Circus strikes again! Last night, the far-left activist judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling by a lower court...

Washington State v. Trump: Who Over-Stepped Their Powers?

As between President Trump and Judge Robart, one of these two men has improperly and incorrectly exceeded the scope of their legal authority.  Remarkable...

Trump Complied

  President Trump complied with Judge Robart's injunction on his executive order implementing extreme vetting of people from seven terrorist-ridden countries seeking entry into ours. "So...

Judicial Tyranny & an Imperial Presidency

Can't a fellow just go out on a 20-degree night and "enjoy" his daughter's soccer game without two branches of the government losing their...