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Tag: Constitution

The President Does Not Need Congressional Approval to Deploy Military

A rare consensus has formed between left-wing Democrats like Sen. Tim Kaine (VA) and libertarian Republicans like Sen. Rand Paul (KY) and Rep. Justin...

Trump Should Give Mueller 30 Days’ Notice

Article II, Section one, clause one of the Constitution says, “the executive Power shall be vested in the President of the United States.”  The...

GUEST COLUMN: Anti-Gun Children Hold No Moral High Ground or Policy...

by Nick Marino Two-hundred thousand anti-gun activists and the children they are using as props took to the streets of DC to make their emotional, albeit, nonsensical...

Why the Government Should Buy Me an AR-15 Rifle

That title is not a joke. There is a serious Constitutional argument that the government should buy you a weapon if you cannot afford...

Popular Anti-Second Amendment Myths

The Second Amendment is an individual Constitutional right. It is right there in the Bill of Rights. In a broken culture, with broken families and...

So, You Want to Limit Constitutional Rights? We Need Free Speech...

The pen is mightier than the sword. The greatest triumphs of tyrants, fascists, propagandists, and cultists come from the words they use to manipulate,...

No, Trump Is Not Attacking Freedom of the Press

President Trump this week stated that his administration will "take a very very strong look at our country's libel laws." The reaction of the establishment...

No Justification: The Top Ten Absurd Moore Defenses Debunked

Over the past couple of months, I have spoken out forcefully against Roy Moore. I have spoken about his hostility to the Constitution and...

Like It or Not, Trump Is Not Going to Be Removed...

Since before Donald Trump took office, many of his detractors, both Democrats and a fair amount of anti-Trump conservatives, have pushed for his impeachment. These...

To What End?

Honestly, one of the recurring themes that I see on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms is that Americans are perplexed on what is going...