Home Committed Conservative Views America is Great: Andrew Cuomo and The New Left, Not So Much

America is Great: Andrew Cuomo and The New Left, Not So Much


For decades the undercurrent of the Democrat party has been anti-Americanism. They look in the mirror and see someone they can’t stand … an American. They are disgraced to be one of us, and they have set out to “fundamentally transform” our country. Andrew Cuomo represents that virulent strain of modern leftism that is self-loathing, and whose inferiority complex he feels compelled to project on his country.

Mr. Cuomo … America is great.

America has been great, and with or without you it will continue to be great. The truth of the matter Mr. Cuomo is that your mutant version of democratic socialism is inconsistent with American values and American greatness. You have never been great, and you show little promise of ever being great.

America … she rocks. Her Americans, we have been great since you were knee-high to a grasshopper. We aren’t perfect, son … but we are great. No country has ever been greater.

If your party were more interested in learning history than erasing it, you might not be a historical illiterate completely ignorant to our greatness.

It’s a crying shame someone has to write down for you when America really was that great. I’ve made this easy, non-exhaustive list before. But, alas, I spoon feed it for you, your tribe, and its fact-resistance strain of leftists.

Here are some examples of when America is and great?

  • Well, we saved the entire planet from Nazi occupation and destruction. That was great.
  • We stopped a fanatical, suicidal religious cult in imperial Japan. That was great.
  • We give more money to charity than any country on earth. That’s great.
  • Our corporations give more money to community organizations than all other countries combined. Wow, that’s great.
  • We have one of the highest standards of living on earth, the most wealth, and unfettered opportunity without regard to class, race, or socio-economic background. That’s great.
  • When tragedy strikes around the world, we provide more aid, support, and expertise in greater numbers than all other countries on earth. That’s great.
  • We have a Constitutional Bill of Rights to protect us from our own government. That’s great.
  • We landed on the moon. That was great.
  • We landed on Mars with a robot and took lots of pictures. That’s great.
  • We are the world leader in technology and innovation … and millionaires. That’s great.
  • We permit more immigration than any country, and we have one of the few truly diverse nations because of it. That’s great.
  • People are literally paddling homemade boats to get here or walking thousands of miles to do so. We must be pretty great.
  • When tyranny in any form stamps out liberty, we send our soldiers to secure freedom and never to conquer. That’s great.
  • We created a country where a young bi-racial baby born to a white woman and an immigrant Kenyon in an era of discrimination could grow up and be President. That’s amazingly great.
  • Moms and dads volunteer countless hours in youth activities from sports to music, to education for their kids and communities. That’s great.
  • We created an imperfect country over 200 years ago and introduced liberty and capitalism raising billions from poverty. That seems great.
  • We mistreated our people and we institutionalized slavery … and then we fixed it. We continue to perfect our union.  That’s great.

America’s plenty great. Maybe it is time for you and your party to be great. Instead of moving toward liberty and promoting the civil society, you and your long line of partisan family members have been defining decency down, growing the government, reducing liberty, sowing division, dividing by race, aborting children, excusing amoralism, and promoting false goods, like socialism, statism, and the welfare state. Nothing about you, your party, or the left is great or new. Indeed, little of it is rooted in American values.

Perhaps you don’t think America is great because you don’t even know who she is and how she has flourished. Here’s an easy primer for you. You want to be great?

Here are a few ways you can make your America greater today.

  • Stop hating.
  • Stop demanding.
  • Stop taking.
  • Start giving.
  • Start cooperating.
  • Be selfless.
  • Challenge your own views before you challenge another’s.
  • Marry someone and live in love, respect, and commitment.
  • Raise your family to think, read, love, and be educated.
  • Respect your neighbors.
  • Respect your families.
  • Respect yourself.
  • Stand for the anthem and sing like you are the luckiest bastard on earth.
  • Say the pledge of allegiance like every word is a solemn oath.
  • Don’t burn our flag.
  • Respect our flag.
  • Protect our flag.
  • wave our flag … and only our flag.
  • Read the Constitution.
  • Put your name on any criticism.
  • Offer solutions with any criticism.
  • Be a critic, not a hater.
  • Be a skeptic, not a cynic.
  • If you can’t see the shining city on the Hill, ask directions.
  • Treat people with respect, until they prove they don’t earn it.
  • Show the disrespectful how it’s done by positive action.
  • Prepare to fight and do it as little as possible.
  • Prepare for peace and do it as much as possible.
  • Be fair.
  • Be equitable.
  • Be merciful.
  • Be just.
  • Be consistent.
  • Reward good behavior.
  • Demonstrate good behavior.
  • Preach liberty.
  • Demonstrate liberty.
  • Respect liberty.

Frankly Mr. Cuomo, there isn’t anything all that great about you or the barbarians now inside the gates of your party. America is just fine. And, while we hope you spend a few minutes to learn about your great country, we will still be great, even without you.

Just know this … if you want to drag us down or bad-mouth America and her fabulous Americans, we won’t take it laying down. We are leftist drones. Americans love America, respect her, and work to make her even greater. Those who try to tear us apart are doomed to the ash-heap of history.

Your new leftism is old and tired anti-Americanism. It’s the opposite of liberty. It is anti-prosperity. It is doomed to failure … like you.

Author: Richard Kelsey

Richard Kelsey is the Editor-in-Chief of Committed Conservative.
He is a trial Attorney and author of a #11 best-selling book on Amazon written on higher education, “Of Serfs and Lords: Why College Tuition is Creating a Debtor Class”

Rich is also the author of the new Murder-Mystery series, “The ABC’s of Murder,” book one is titled, “Adultery.”

Rich is a former Assistant Law School Dean and Law Professor. At Mason Law Kelsey conceived of, planned, and brought to fruition Mason’s Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, known as CPIP, drawing on his expertise as a former CEO of a technology company specializing in combating cyber-fraud.

In 2014 he was elected by the graduating class as the faculty speaker at their graduation.

He is a regular commentator on legal and political issues in print, radio and on TV. Rich has appeared on hundreds of stations as a legal expert or political commentator. He provided the legal analysis for all stages of the Bob McDonnell trial and appeal for numerous outlets including NPR and WMAL.

Rich also writes on occasion for the American Spectator and CNSNews.com.

In his free time, Rich is part of the baseball mafia of Northern Virginia, serving on numerous boards and as a little league and travel baseball coach.

His Twitter handle is @richkelsey.