Our site has a category for Alt-left Activists and News. Why? Are we not committed conservatives? Also, what is the alt-left?
First, the alt-left is the most radical of the had left’s core. These are the foot soldiers and conspiracy theorists of the American leftist movement. They are dangerous, though some are simply dolts profiteering off of other rubes. Some among us don’t like the term “alt-left,” which I personally have pushed hard for the last year. In fact, for many months during last spring, my Facebook friends would ask, “why are you trying to make this a thing.”
It’s a thing. I didn’t make it. I merely defined it. (I can’t say the term doesn’t pre-date my use, but I can say I first used it out of my own head.)
The objection to the term has sound reasoning. The left is the left. The left is radical, anti-American, anti-capitalist, and all roads lead to tyranny by an elite empowered few, from whom rights are rationed. This is true. However, in the modern American lexicon, many liberals and progressives refer to themselves as “on the left.” Of course, most of them have no idea who the left is and what and how it operates.
Alt-left reflects the most radical strain of leftist movements in the US. This includes BLM affiliates, New Black Panthers, Communists, Socialists, ANTIFA, and other extreme radical groups, like some of the open-borders, Soros funded crowd. The alt-left tried to re-define Conservatives and even republicans as “Alt-right” during the election.
To be sure, there is an alt-right, and its very small group of radicals are unwelcome, and indeed, properly marginalized. On the left, neither the left, nor the alt-left has ever been properly marginalized. In fact, it has become normalized with radical behavior that includes rioting, flag-burning, foreign-flag raising, and anti-American, anti-white, anti-capitalist protesting and organizing.
The alt-left needs exposure. Decent people need to know who they are and what they do. Committed Conservatives, likewise, need to keep an eye on the alt-left. That is why we have a section to follow them. It is a section that will highlight their activities of interest, and the type of radicalism and conspiracy theories they float among themselves.
Take for instance this peice. Ask yourself, if the alt-left were not normalized, how would this piece get 2.6K likes in 17 hours? It wouldn’t. Neither the media nor the democratic party want to admit the existence of and the active participation in its party of radical, fasicst, anti-Americans. They want to blur the lines and ignore the hate and bigotry of their active brethren. This, we cannot allow.
Conservatives and republicans are both wise to disavow and disown alt-right radicals. We do that regularly. However, we have and obligation to monitor hard-left … or alt-left. Who else will do that? It won’t be the media.
The Committed Conservative is an informed conservative. Being informed includes tracking and understanding the people and ideology that would undue a Constitutional Republic.

Author: Richard Kelsey
Richard Kelsey is the Editor-in-Chief of Committed Conservative.
He is a trial Attorney and author of a #11 best-selling book on Amazon written on higher education, “Of Serfs and Lords: Why College Tuition is Creating a Debtor Class”
Rich is also the author of the new Murder-Mystery series, “The ABC’s of Murder,” book one is titled, “Adultery.”
Rich is a former Assistant Law School Dean and Law Professor. At Mason Law Kelsey conceived of, planned, and brought to fruition Mason’s Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, known as CPIP, drawing on his expertise as a former CEO of a technology company specializing in combating cyber-fraud.
In 2014 he was elected by the graduating class as the faculty speaker at their graduation.
He is a regular commentator on legal and political issues in print, radio and on TV. Rich has appeared on hundreds of stations as a legal expert or political commentator. He provided the legal analysis for all stages of the Bob McDonnell trial and appeal for numerous outlets including NPR and WMAL.
Rich also writes on occasion for the American Spectator and CNSNews.com.
In his free time, Rich is part of the baseball mafia of Northern Virginia, serving on numerous boards and as a little league and travel baseball coach.
His Twitter handle is @richkelsey.