No, We’re Not on the Verge of a New Civil War
Rich Kelsey has put forth the notion that we are headed for a new civil war. He's not alone in that belief. Dennis Prager,...
My Daughter Needs to Cry
I won’t pretend that I understand the particulars, but I do know this: sometimes my daughter needs to cry. I don’t really get “it”,...
CNN: Putting the Fake in News?
The traditional sources of American media in the post-cable area have come under extreme heat over the past two decades. Many of the complaints...
The Left’s War on Thinking
Higher education is America is a mess. No post or simple op-ed could ever convey the depth and breadth of the problem that is...
The War on Trump
America is again at war. It is multi-front war, fought in the homeland. The implications are large for all of us. When Donald J....