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Tag: Travel Ban

The Travel Ban and Justice Kennedy’s Dark Heart Doctrine

The Supreme Court is one vote short of limiting a President’s power to protect the homeland by subjugating his Constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief and...

Scotus Ruling on Travel Ban Bad Harbinger for President Trump

The internet stinks.  Reading tweets this morning, one might think the Supreme Court unanimously re-instated the Trump Travel Ban.  Not only did the High...

How Ted Cruz Really Did School Legal Hacktivist Sally Yates

Former political appointee and legal hacktivist Sally Yates is a hero to ignorant internet lawyers and the anti-American resistance.  The fired Obama appointee has...

Judicial Jihad

Federal district court judges don’t have national jurisdiction, nor did we intend to permit those judges to substitute their judgement for that of the...

Progressive Jurists 2, Team Trump 0

I don’t have an inside line to the President or his team.  I wish I did.  The President issued an Executive Order that had...

Trump Complied

  President Trump complied with Judge Robart's injunction on his executive order implementing extreme vetting of people from seven terrorist-ridden countries seeking entry into ours. "So...

Judicial Tyranny & an Imperial Presidency

Can't a fellow just go out on a 20-degree night and "enjoy" his daughter's soccer game without two branches of the government losing their...

Obama Appointee Defies President at DOJ on Travel Ban

The acting head of the Department of Justice ... acting Attorney Genera Sally Yates just became a democratic superhero.  The nation's place-holder as the...