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Tag: Texas

Virginia Democrats: Sit Down & Shut Up

Americans learned yesterday what the difference between a first responder and an immediate responder is. The deadly lesson laid out for the...

Boy Beats Girl for Texas State Girls’ Wrestling Championship

Mack Beggs is a total badass, winning "his" second consecutive state wrestling championship in the great big state of Texas. Mack is a boy, and he...

NRA Hero Ends Texas Massacre: Destroys Altleft Narrative

Twenty-six Americans were murdered in a small Texas Church by a crazed killer. Minutes later, recriminations rang out blaming the NRA, Republicans, law-abiding gun...

If You Are Injecting Politics Into the Disaster in Texas, You...

I have been on a hiatus from Committed Conservative over the past few weeks as I moved my family from Virginia to Colorado, but I am...