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Tag: Supreme Court

The Cake That Threatens Our Fundamental Rights

One cake will soon determine whether the government can force people to engage in speech that violates their personal beliefs and fundamental religious principles. In...

Scotus Ruling on Travel Ban Bad Harbinger for President Trump

The internet stinks.  Reading tweets this morning, one might think the Supreme Court unanimously re-instated the Trump Travel Ban.  Not only did the High...

Free Speech: The Courts Giveth, and the Courts Taketh Away

Nothing is more sacrosanct amongst American principles and values than the right to free speech. When the Founding Fathers decided to add a Bill of...

Virginia Needs John Adams for Attorney General

The last several years have not been kind to the reputation of Commonwealth of Virginia.  Political scandal rocked the governorship, with Bob McDonnell watching...

Al Franken Questions Nominee for Pope (Transcript)

It is a little-known fact that United States Senator Al Franken was invited to participate in the 2013 papal conclave to choose a successor...

Judicial Jihad

Federal district court judges don’t have national jurisdiction, nor did we intend to permit those judges to substitute their judgement for that of the...

Why the SCOTUS Decision Overturning Virginia District Lines Might Change Nothing

The Supreme Court today ruled that the current lines for Virginia House of Delegates districts are unconstitutional. While this decision will be considered by many...

No: Foreigners Do NOT Have Constitutional Rights

Does a foreigner, never having lived in the United States, and never having held a visa to the Country, have Constitutional Rights?  No --...

Fourth Circuit Opinion is a Weapon of War on the Bill...

If you are a conservative, and you swallowed hard and voted for Mr. Trump to protect the Supreme Court, you did the right thing. ...

The Immigration Ruling WILL Be Reversed

The Ninth Circus strikes again! Last night, the far-left activist judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling by a lower court...