Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Tag: Riots

Biden’s America

Joe Biden’s America is at war  … with American principles. Democrat cities are burning. Riots, looting, arson, months-long protests, and of course,...

Listen to Me Now… America is Awakening

Earlier this summer, I wrote an article entitled This… Cannot… Continue. As Minneapolis was being destroyed, and the lawlessness and destruction spread...

Trump Was Right to Send Federal Law Enforcement Into Those Cities

American cities are in flames, and the leftist mayors of those cities are siding with those who have been lighting the matches.

AltLeft Radicals, Protesters, and Rioters Prop Up Trump

The altleft is not dragging down President Trump.  They are propping him up.  How ironic. Who are the Altleft?  They are these guys: Some media outlets...

Baltimore Saves City By Removing Confederate Statues

The City of Baltimore is finally safe.  It can move forward.  All of its problems were cured two nights ago night when city workers...

Obama’s Legacy: Spike in Minority Mass Shootings

Statistics do not and cannot lie.  People can lie about them, and people can use them to distort an opinion.  Numbers are of no...