Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Tag: news media

We Are Losing Our Country, and Conservatives Are Letting It Happen

The left is waging an all-out war on America right under the noses of conservatives, and we don't even see it. See, conservatives have this...

Rasmussen Poll: Large Majorities Blame Government, Not Guns

Rasmussen released a poll today that absolutely won't be reported on CNN, MSNBC, or anywhere else in the establishment "news" media: When asked who...

Republicans, Stop Legitimizing the Leftist “News” Media!

It's time to face the truth: At the national level, there are no more true news media. They are all partisans. Until the Republicans recognize and adapt...

No, Trump Is Not Attacking Freedom of the Press

President Trump this week stated that his administration will "take a very very strong look at our country's libel laws." The reaction of the establishment...

The Media’s Attempted Assassination of Trump’s Presidency

Here at Committed Conservative, we have been very critical of President Trump when his words and deeds have warranted it, but we also defend...

Questions About the Weinstein Affair that Democrats Don’t Want Answered

Harvey Weinstein's sexual misconduct scandal has implications far beyond just how it impacts him. The following questions about this sordid affair are important and...

Musings on Current Events by a Committed Conservative

Sen. Tim Kaine says he doesn't know enough about Antifa to criticize it. I call BS. He's not criticizing it because his son is...

The Democrats and Their News Media Are the Republicans’ Best Friends

Since President Trump's inauguration five months ago, the Democrats and their lapdog "news" media have miscalculated on a scale that might be unprecedented in...

The News Media Are A Cancer On Our Country

Yesterday, President Trump, giving a motivational graduation speech at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, said that “no politician in history has been treated worse or...

O’Reilly Had To Go, And That’s No Spin

It's official:  Bill O'Reilly has been sacked. And that's how it had to be. Caution - You're about to enter a No-Spin Zone. Let's start by acknowledging...