Thursday, November 14, 2024
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Tag: guns

Spare Us Your Sanctimony, Democrats – This was YOUR Fault

A short quiz: Which these things have the Democrats prohibited from being like the others? 1. Judges and lawyers in courthouses 2. Businessmen at banks 3. Travelers...

NRA Hero Ends Texas Massacre: Destroys Altleft Narrative

Twenty-six Americans were murdered in a small Texas Church by a crazed killer. Minutes later, recriminations rang out blaming the NRA, Republicans, law-abiding gun...

Motivation for Gun’s Alexandria Shooting Unknown

Shortly after a gun forced a man to shoot down GOP softball players as the sun woke up over Alexandria this morning, the media...

No, We’re Not on the Verge of a New Civil War

Rich Kelsey has put forth the notion that we are headed for a new civil war.  He's not alone in that belief.  Dennis Prager,...