Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Tag: guns

Virginia’s Liberty Revolution

Inside the beltway and across cable TV, tribalists are obsessed with a dubious impeachment. It consumes the internet and nearly all of the talking...

New York Times Calls for Banning Airplanes to End Terrorism

September 11, 2019 (REAL FAKE NEWS) - The New York Times today published a hard-hitting editorial demanding that all airplanes be banned.

Why the Media Loves Only School Shootings

Gun violence and school shootings are not caused by the rise of machines or inanimate objects … they are the product of our broken...

GUEST COLUMN: Anti-Gun Children Hold No Moral High Ground or Policy...

by Nick Marino Two-hundred thousand anti-gun activists and the children they are using as props took to the streets of DC to make their emotional, albeit, nonsensical...

Principal Allegedly Removes Pro-Second Amendment Student with Sign “Guns Don’t Kill...

At the National Walkout organized to protest the Bill of Rights, many school jurisdictions openly or tacitly encouraged students to join the anti-Second Amendment protest...

On National Walkout Day: The Ignorant Children of Stupid Adults Protest...

If your child has cut class today to join a left-wing national walkout movement in protest of the Bill of Rights, you have failed...

Rasmussen Poll: Large Majorities Blame Government, Not Guns

Rasmussen released a poll today that absolutely won't be reported on CNN, MSNBC, or anywhere else in the establishment "news" media: When asked who...

That Time Trump DID Run In Unarmed To Stop A Mugging

“You don't know until you test it, but I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn't have a weapon. I think most...

Planet Earth Declared Gun-Free Zone; World Peace Ensues

EARTH (Real Fake News) - As we enjoy the blessings of the utopia in which we are now privileged to live, it behooves us...

So, You Want to Limit Constitutional Rights? We Need Free Speech...

The pen is mightier than the sword. The greatest triumphs of tyrants, fascists, propagandists, and cultists come from the words they use to manipulate,...