Tag: coronavirus
Raleigh Police: “Protesting is a non-essential activity.”
And with those words, government action to contain a public safety risk transformed North Carolina into a police state.
The List: Congressional Democrats Are Holding Coronavirus Relief Hostage for These...
It was 2008, and America was in a financial crisis., Millions of people were losing billions of dollars of savings and investments.
Dear Mr. President: More Dr. Fauci Please
America needs a person we all respect, trust, and like. America needs a person imbued with credibility because of a lifetime of...
Amid COVID-19: It’s Time for Americans to Make Her Great Again
In times of world crises, America has always stood strong. We are more than a beacon for liberty and hope. We are...
Editorial: The Proposed “Stimulus” Handouts Are Grotesquely Immoral
The most oppressed group in America is not based on race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. The most oppressed group in America...
News Media Caught Deliberately Misquoting Trump on Conoravirus
The New York Times is so depraved in its hatred of President Trump that it has now deliberately misrepresented something he said...