Tag: altleft
Unity Tips for all these Biden Democrats
Just like that, the “not my President” and “resistance” radicals who perpetrated the Russian Hoax, denied Trump’s legitimate election and spent four...
Biden’s America
Joe Biden’s America is at war … with American principles. Democrat cities are burning. Riots, looting, arson, months-long protests, and of course,...
Civil War II: Sumpter in Seattle
Radical elements of the anti-American #altleft have fired what are unarguably the first shots in the second American Civil War every sentient...
Killing Kavanaugh: The War is On
The radical left doesn’t just want to defeat Judge Kavanaugh, they want to kill him. They have resurrected the old political formula of fear...
America is Great: Andrew Cuomo and The New Left, Not So...
For decades the undercurrent of the Democrat party has been anti-Americanism. They look in the mirror and see someone they can’t stand … an...
Dear Sean Hannity: Conservatives Must Be Better … Period
Journalism in America is nearly dead. For the most part, Americans don’t even care. We want our "news" and our “facts” from our “team.”...
Higher Education and the Altleft: Revenue Predators & Tenure Tax Create...
Go to college they said. You must get a degree they said. If you don’t get a college degree you will never go anywhere,...
AltLeft Radicals, Protesters, and Rioters Prop Up Trump
The altleft is not dragging down President Trump. They are propping him up. How ironic.
Who are the Altleft? They are these guys:
Some media outlets...
Cultural Appropriation & The Left’s War On America
The hottest PC term in the divided states of a America is “Cultural Appropriation.” It’s a salacious, often ignorant and racist charge levied by...
Fired-Up Friday: Antifa = Anti-F’ing Americans
UPDATE: Recent events like Charlottesville and Boston have put Antifa on the map for some Americans who previously never heard of the group.
By the...