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Media Watch


The Media’s Attempted Assassination of Trump’s Presidency

Here at Committed Conservative, we have been very critical of President Trump when his words and deeds have warranted it, but we also defend...

Killing Kavanaugh: The War is On

The radical left doesn’t just want to defeat Judge Kavanaugh, they want to kill him. They have resurrected the old political formula of fear...

Higher Education and the Altleft: Revenue Predators & Tenure Tax Create...

Go to college they said.  You must get a degree they said.  If you don’t get a college degree you will never go anywhere,...


NFL Owners Bet Americans Love their Football More than Their Country

The protest started by Colin Kaepernick has failed. He is unemployed and unemployable.  Ratings for the NFL are falling. There’s an organized boycott. The...

An American Tale: Yates, The Smartest Lawyer, and an American Hero

Don’t let the title fool you, this is a story about three different people.  Ms. Yates, is not the hero. Sometimes Americans foolishly think that...

Democrats (and their “news” media): Loud and irrelevant

The Democrats have become unhinged, but it doesn't matter.  They are irrelevant and rendering themselves more so every day. We all see how insane they've...

CNN: Putting the Fake in News?

The traditional sources of American media in the post-cable area have come under extreme heat over the past two decades.  Many of the complaints...

John McCain: Dying Without Dignity

I watched my father, a World-War II Marine wither and die from cancer. The process kills its victim, and it can break the loved...