The New York Times is so depraved in its hatred of President Trump that it has now deliberately misrepresented something he said in managing the COVID-19 crisis to create the misimpression that he’s not doing anything.
Yesterday, President Trump held a conference call with governors around the country. During that call, he said the following: “We are backing you in terms of equipment and getting you what you need. Also, in terms of respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”
The New York Times‘ ran a story on this call with the following headline: “Trump to Governors on Ventilators: ‘Try Getting It Yourselves.’”
They then tweeted their article out with the following blurb: “Trump told governors this morning they are on their own: ‘Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,’ Mr. Trump told the governors during the conference call, a recording of which was shared with The New York Times.”
Then they literally edited out of the original version of their story Trump’s first sentence, in which he stated that his administration would get the governors what they need.
In three different ways, the New York Times went out of its way to deliberately “report” that President Trump said the opposite of what he actually said.
But the NYT was not alone in defaming the president during a national crisis. The headline of pretty much every establishment “news” organization’s story on this was, “Trump to Governors on Ventilators: ‘Try Getting It Yourselves'” or something within a word or two of that.
I have not found one article from an establishment “news” organization that did not take the president’s statement out of context.
We all know that the “news” media have a pathological hatred of President Trump. But we are in a national crisis, and whatever anyone thinks of him, he is our one and only president, and he is the one person charged under our Constitution with dealing with that crisis.
For the “news” media to deliberately defame our president – any president – in his handling of a national crisis rather than working with him to report accurate information to help manage the crisis is sick. It is depraved.
The “news” media get indignant about people not trusting and respecting them, but when they show that their pathological hatred of the president is stronger than any concern for the welfare of our country and people, they prove that they don’t deserve any trust or respect.