Home Conservative News & Opinion Makers American Teen is ISIS Sympathizer: Brings Weapon of Mass Destruction to Utah...

American Teen is ISIS Sympathizer: Brings Weapon of Mass Destruction to Utah High School

(Photo: KUTV) "ISIS is Coming"

An American teenager in Utah is an ISIS sympathizer. He was arrested after trying to detonate a weapon of mass destruction … a bomb … at a Utah high school this past Monday.

You probably have been watching the non-stop coverage in the mainstream media.

The unidentified teen apparently brought the bomb to Pine View High School in St. George, Utah.  Students discovered it after they noticed smoke coming from a suspicious backpack.

“Based on our investigation we can confirm this was a failed attempt to detonate a homemade explosive,” police officials said. After obtaining a warrant and searching the terror suspect’s home, the police found bomb-making materials in the home matching those found on the device.

Authorities said the teen hoisted an ISIS flag just one day after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.

The police investigation revealed the suspect had been “researching information and expressing interest in ISIS and promoting the organization.”

On Tuesday, police confirmed that the teen is also connected to an incident at Hurricane High School, where an American flag was destroyed and the message “ISIS is coming” was spray-painted on a school’s wall.

The suspect was arrested and charged with manufacturing and possessing a weapon of mass destruction.

“I saw them looking through the bag, and then they picked it up and ran it outside,” said Tavien Hancock, a student at Pine View High School. “It’s pretty scary knowing that I was around a bomb and walked by a bomb three times — it’s going to make me more aware of my surroundings.”

“I think it is a shock to all of us that something like this has happened in one of our schools,” said Washington County School District spokesman Steve Dunham.

St. George police said, “Bomb squad members indicated that if [the bomb] had detonated, the device had the potential to cause significant injury or death.”

An ISIS-inspired attack, including a homemade bomb, has garnered very little media attention, even though the bomb was planted in High School.

The Mainstream Media continues a constant drumbeat of reporting related to a High School shooting by a teenager who slipped through local and federal authorities hands. The media have given free advertising, stardom, and fame to anti-Second Amendment students, rallying around the government failure and criminal acts of a broken child from another broken family, seeking to grow support to limit gun rights.

In the case of Pine View High School, however, the media has no interest in a terror attack by a US teen inspired by radical Islam. Without the necessary blood or cause, the story remains consigned to a handful of outlets.

Information for this story came from Foxnews, KUTV, and the Washington Examiner.

Author: Committed Conservative

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