Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Tag: Trump

The Conservative Case Against George Will

In a recent column, “Conservative” George Will announced that he has left the GOP and that Republicans and conservatives should work to elected Democrats...

Border Propaganda Wars: Fact, Fiction, and the Law

For the first time in 50 years, a US President is enforcing the illegal entry laws that protect America. The result of the prosecutions...

Trump’s Right: Free-Trade is Fair Trade

If you can’t get a fair deal from your friends, from who would you get one? While so-called “free-traders” lambaste President Trump for pushing...

Democrats Hate Trump So Much They Defend Palestinian Terrorists and...

Political tribalism has splintered this country so badly that the leftists who hijacked the Democratic party were forced this week to abandon their religious...

The Conservative Millennial: Politics and the Kanye West Factor

By Nick Marino Kanye West is the latest target of leftist hysteria after firing off a string of tweets expressing support for President Trump and encouraging people...

John McCain: Dying Without Dignity

I watched my father, a World-War II Marine wither and die from cancer. The process kills its victim, and it can break the loved...

The Travel Ban and Justice Kennedy’s Dark Heart Doctrine

The Supreme Court is one vote short of limiting a President’s power to protect the homeland by subjugating his Constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief and...

Dear Sean Hannity: Conservatives Must Be Better … Period

Journalism in America is nearly dead. For the most part, Americans don’t even care. We want our "news" and our “facts” from our “team.”...

Trump Should Give Mueller 30 Days’ Notice

Article II, Section one, clause one of the Constitution says, “the executive Power shall be vested in the President of the United States.”  The...

That Time Trump DID Run In Unarmed To Stop A Mugging

“You don't know until you test it, but I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn't have a weapon. I think most...