Tag: Supreme Court
Trump Complied
President Trump complied with Judge Robart's injunction on his executive order implementing extreme vetting of people from seven terrorist-ridden countries seeking entry into ours.
Democrats (and their “news” media): Loud and irrelevant
The Democrats have become unhinged, but it doesn't matter. They are irrelevant and rendering themselves more so every day.
We all see how insane they've...
Politics and the Supreme Gamble: Democrats Will Go All In
It’s all politics now. When I say all … I mean everything. So divided are we now that every issue and all facts are...
Guy Benson Names Gorsuch as Trump SCOTUS Pick
The rumor mill has been floating all morning, and I too tweeted out a source claiming Gorsuch was the pick this morning. Guy Benson...
Gorsuch also leads in Fantasy Justice Rankings
Never heard of the possible next US Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, a Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge? Legal insiders and academics sure...