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Tag: Russia

Comrade John Brennan: Enemy of the State?

John Brennan, the Clinton-groomed, Obama-appointed, former CIA director voted for the Communist Party candidate for President of the United States when he was 18....

The FBI Deserves Better

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is an agency of over 35,000 employees. Its agents, specialists, experts, and analysts are the gold standard in law...

Collusion Confusion: Trump Junior, Red Forman, and Russia

Where is Red Forman when you need him?  Make no mistake America; Donald Trump, Jr. is a dumbass.   Did he accept an offer to...

The Legitimate Seth Rich Questions (updated)

The tragic murder of 27 year-old Seth Rich, a DNC political operative, has become a case of international mystery and lure.  It has spawned...

Syria: Ground Zero for World War IV

Syria is a disaster. Syria is an international failure.  Syria is a failure of American leadership.  Syria is a failure of humanity.  Syria is a...

Russia, Putin, Trump, … and Useful Idiots

Useful Idiots is a phrase often attributed to the famous communist Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin.  During the cold war, the phrase became synonymous with...

BREAKING NEWS: Congressional Democrats Announce Immediate Resignations

WASHINGTON - In a stunning new development, it was learned today that Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak attended President Trump's speech to Congress last Tuesday...

Party Above Country: Session, Perjury, and the Eye of the Partisan...

Some Americans infected by partisanship are saying that Session's testimony before the Senate in his AG hearing rises to the level of perjury.  It...

BREAKING: Senator Meets With Ambassador – Can the Nation Survive?

WASHINGTON - It was learned today that Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year, when he was a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee,...