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Supreme Politics: Democrats Hope Gorsuch Wins them Senate in 2018

Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell said Judge Gorsuch will be confirmed by the Senate this week.   We’ll see.  This seat came open on...

Press Uses Navy Seal’s Death As Political Sword

Ryan Owens is a genuine American hero.  He was that before the Navy Seal's death in combat in Yemen.  Owen served 12 deployments. He...

Democrats (and their “news” media): Loud and irrelevant

The Democrats have become unhinged, but it doesn't matter.  They are irrelevant and rendering themselves more so every day. We all see how insane they've...

Emoluments Clause Hype Not Based in Law or Facts

Lawrence Tribe is a renowned expert in Constitutional law.  The Harvard Law Professor, together with Norman Eisen and Richard Painter, ethics lawyers who served...