Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Tag: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton: Married White Women Are Stupid, Trump Voters Are Bigots

Hillary Clinton's international Whining Sore Loser Tour has continued into its second year, and it's just as pathetic as it's always been. Yesterday, in a...

Obama Coverup: Texts, Lies, and Videotape

The recently released text of FBI agent Peter Strzok is a bombshell.  That word, often over-used, has lost its punch because of the proliferation...

The Newest Resident Under the Democrats’ Bus: Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton sure had a great run. For decades, he philandered and womanized with reckless abandon, secure in the knowledge that he was untouchable. He...

Questions About the Weinstein Affair that Democrats Don’t Want Answered

Harvey Weinstein's sexual misconduct scandal has implications far beyond just how it impacts him. The following questions about this sordid affair are important and...

Musings on Current Events by a Committed Conservative

Sen. Tim Kaine says he doesn't know enough about Antifa to criticize it. I call BS. He's not criticizing it because his son is...

Fired-Up Friday: Mueller Grand Jury Edition

Robert Mueller has assembled a high-powered team of lawyers, many if not most with distinct and strong ties to democrats and Hillary Clinton.  In...

Are You Loyal to Conservatism or Trump? (Jeff Sessions Edition)

Donald Trump's followers insist that anyone who dares criticize "The Leader" is an Establishment™ lackey and a disloyal RINO™ (usually misspelled by them as...

Hillary Clinton Can Unite America … If She Persisted

On November 9, 2016, Hillary Clinton said, “Donald Trump is going to be our President.  We owe him and open mind and a chance...

The Legitimate Seth Rich Questions (updated)

The tragic murder of 27 year-old Seth Rich, a DNC political operative, has become a case of international mystery and lure.  It has spawned...

Clinton, Obama, and Susan Rice: The Noose Tightens

Hillary Clinton is an angry, cold, vicious, conniving, mean-spirited woman with almost no political skills.  That’s why she lost an unlosable election … twice. ...