Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Tag: GOP

The Conservative Case Against George Will

In a recent column, “Conservative” George Will announced that he has left the GOP and that Republicans and conservatives should work to elected Democrats...

Corey Stewart’s Primary Win Will Remake Commonwealth’s Republican Party (Updated)

Corey Stewart, the pugnacious Prince William County brawler who seeks and finds bad press pulled out a win in the GOP Senate primary last...

Talley Ho: Partisan Privilege Easy to Spot in Embarrassing Judicial Appointment

When Brett Talley was nominated for a federal judgeship, most competent, sane, lawyers thought they were being punked.  Brett Talley graduated from Harvard Law,...

GOP Tax Cuts are Racist and Republicans Will Burn in Hell

Tax reform is always about political power. It is the political act of one party picking winners to gain votes or pay off friends. ...

The McCain GOP Betrayal is Good for Conservatives and America

John McCain was a war hero. Senator McCain is a reactionary and a remarkable underwhelming policy wonk.  He’s reliably self-centered, and his strategic, political decision-making...

Hey GOP … One Word: Repeal

The republican party controls the Senate and the House.  It has a President who ran as a republican.  For eight years, republicans pulled every...

Healthcare Debacle: GOP Can’t out-Socialism the Democrats

I don’t want to sound like a meanie, but the Republicans are really dumb.  They are not only trying to take away the massive...

Motivation for Gun’s Alexandria Shooting Unknown

Shortly after a gun forced a man to shoot down GOP softball players as the sun woke up over Alexandria this morning, the media...

Americans 1, Political Parties 0

“Americans never win anymore,” candidate Trump once blathered.  Au contraire!  The defeat of #Trumpcare was decidedly an American victory over both political parties …...

Caught on Tape: VA Teacher’s Political Rant

High School teachers have the awesome power to shape minds.  They also have the equally awesome responsibility not to abuse that power.  In a...