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Tag: Filibuster

Gorsuch Confirmation: A Return to “Originalism”

The entire Gorsuch confirmation controversy was a political charade.  I predicted it, and then I explained more fully why the Democrats wanted to kill...

Supreme Politics: Democrats Hope Gorsuch Wins them Senate in 2018

Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell said Judge Gorsuch will be confirmed by the Senate this week.   We’ll see.  This seat came open on...

Politics and the Supreme Gamble: Democrats Will Go All In

It’s all politics now.   When I say all … I mean everything.  So divided are we now that every issue and all facts are...

Nuke the Filibuster

When Harry Reid and his Senate Democrats eliminated the filibuster for all presidential nominees except Supreme Court Justices, it was called the “nuclear option,”...