Wednesday, February 5, 2025
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Tag: BLM

Unity Tips for all these Biden Democrats

Just like that, the “not my President” and “resistance” radicals who perpetrated the Russian Hoax, denied Trump’s legitimate election and spent four...

Civil War II: Sumpter in Seattle

Radical elements of the anti-American #altleft have fired what are unarguably the first shots in the second American Civil War every sentient...

GUEST COLUMN: Obama’s War on Police

by Rick Canton He was President for 6 months when Mr. Obama said, “The Police Acted Stupidly.”  From a fateful day, in his tone and...

The Moral Equivalence of Racial, Religious, and Ethnic Hatred: Left Defends...

Hate is hate. In a country where so many scream for equality, there is a movement afoot to treat hate differently.  Members of the radical...

Things We Should Know About the Battle of Charlottesville

The uncivil war turned hot in a sleepy, liberal, college town in Southwest Virginia.  There were Nazis there, and hundreds upon hundreds of protesters...

Charlottesville: The Speech Trump Should Give

The outpouring of anguish over the open march of Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville was predictable.  As a country, we must stand united...

Obama’s Legacy: Spike in Minority Mass Shootings

Statistics do not and cannot lie.  People can lie about them, and people can use them to distort an opinion.  Numbers are of no...