Gloria Allred: Incompetent and Unethical
Gloria Allred is a shyster and snake oil saleswoman. She’s a carnival barker and profiteer. She’s a publicity hound and unrepentant self-promoter. As a...
Are You America’s Problem?
America has a problem with political tribalism. Ironically, it’s a bipartisan problem. Both parties are stock-piling drone-like followers who are increasingly difficult to reach...
The Franken Factor: Power, Intimidation, and Sexual Assault
Al Franken is a worse creep than you think.
Women should fear this type of man. Men … real men … they must rebuke him....
Mr. Sessions, Your Country Needs You
An open letter to Jeff Sessions, Attorney General of the United States and Former Senator from Alabama
Dear Mr. Sessions:
Many Americans across the country have...
More on Moore: Politics and the Google Lawyers
Google produces more lawyers than anyone. What would we do without the Google JD. I can almost read the disclaimer in most posts, “I’m...
Sexual Assault: It’s Not Political, It’s Criminal
America is all jacked-up. In the Kardashian culture we have built, amoral behavior is not merely a norm, but it is civic and economic...
A Matter of Right and Wrong: Voting for Roy Moore Is Immoral
As a rule, reasonable minds can differ on the merits of candidates for public office. But on rare occasion, a candidate emerges who is...
On Roy Moore Allegations, I’m With Her: This Conservative Requires Moore Answers
America is talking about the serious allegations against Alabama’s GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore. Talk is not enough. We need to think about these...
Yes Virginia, There is a President Trump
Dear Editor:
I am 43 years old. Some of my liberal friends in the resistance here in Arlington County Virginia say there is no President...
The End of the Republican Party
Grab a camera and start taking pictures. We are watching history in the making: We are now witnessing the last days of the Republican...